ceres square venus

Venus Novile Juno. I’ve seen pictures of goats in impossibly steep positions on cliffs. Calasso, Roberto. Venus Trine Vesta. There’s another side to this, though — in Vedic astrology, Venus and Saturn are great friends, joined by their shared rulership of Libra. Demetra’s idea of balancing faith with reason is interesting, as it suggests a need to draw upon our intuitive abilities and capacity for faith without neglecting our rational side that can use reasoning to gain a more objective perspective regarding our circumstances. The life / Of a monster no longer a man. Altogether it is clear that the significance of Ceres in the Aries ingress chart is relevant for people being sequestered at home, with the Moon and Ceres in signs of Saturn and in the fourth whole sign house. Addey, Tim. Can you receive the same when it’s offered? As this oak / Falls on the earth, your punishment / Will come down on you with all its weight. The conjunction of Ceres and Pluto can often embrace both maternal and destructive impulses. Krater from 440 BC with Persephone wearing a crown on the left, having arisen from the underworld. It is the maternal principle in astrology. Both Venus person and Ceres person feel tension even as you try to nurture each other. The Main Effect is again the Self-Love Challenge (Sappho T-Square), but this time Endings (Atropos) and Abuse (Nessus) have fallen out of the equation, leaving just Values (Venus) and Intrusive Memories (OR10) in the base of the T-Square. While letting go may seem frightening at first, it is actually a necessary part of the cycle of life/death/renewal. Hackett. Many people are learning for the first time that they can productively telework from home, which will have major implications for labor in the future. We will receive an initial impression of the meaning to be found through the North Node of Ceres in relation to all of this when Venus stations retrograde conjoining the North Node of Ceres in Gemini on May 13. But I don’t have aspects to Ceres (but lost my mother when I was a young girl); in synastry with a partner we have a conjunction: my Ceres with her Ceres-Venus. Ceres is also semi sextile Venus 7º Gemini (3rd) and sextile North Node 6º:56′ Taurus (2nd) and square Saturn 5º:53′ Aries (1st)! You dwell in the hallowed valley of Ælefsís. Since her disguise allowed her to escape slavery, Erysichton devised a scheme of repeatedly selling his daughter into slavery, since her ability to repeatedly transform herself and escape enabled him to continue to sell her into slavery over and over again. You were the first to yoke the ploughing oxen, The ability to express love and affection and the nurturing nature are in harmony. Her love and grief were so enormous she made herself an incarnated mortal to feel it all. Venus Square Juno. He also has an opposition to lis Moon and a square to his Pluto. The square between Neptune and the transiting lunar nodes is further complicated through the asteroid Vesta in Virgo being in a partile opposition with Neptune and also forming a square with the lunar nodes. To Addey, the hero under the influence of Demeter “is no longer serving his own perfection but the universe’s perfection,” operating “essentially” and “from his very being” rather than out “of mundane conquest.” From now until we are on the other side of the pandemic, consider what elixir you are gathering and tending to return with. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Mercury retrograde in Pisces and Aquarius, Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius: Age of Air. Reminds me of my relationship to all things Venus since then. And so, / At last, the inevitable. Ceres is associated with agriculture, food, possessions, fertility, nurturing, nourishment, taking care of others, love, support. Of the earth to protect. Venus is septile Jupiter. Yes, if we keep doing things the hard way, the way we know as agriculture then we’re fucked. In the chart for the great conjunction, Vesta is at the northern bending of the lunar nodes, while Neptune is at the southern bending, with both of them on the cusps of the difficult sixth and twelfth houses in the Placidus house system (from a whole sign perspective they are in the much more positive fifth and eleventh houses). Our Values can be very strong, but they can be determined by our Programming more than our Heart. Just as Demeter is overseeing the mysterious scene in the krater above, so is her astrological archetype involved in the pandemic through the form of the dwarf planet Ceres. However, there are many astrological indicators that we have collectively entered a time saturated with the living symbolism of Ceres. Among all of the trees, one impressive oak stood out: “Its boughs were bedecked with wreaths / And votive tributes – each for a prayer / Ceres had sometimes granted. These folk must be careful however, that their saving doesn’t turn into a saviour complex. His Venus (first degree Cancer) is -out of sign - square Ceres (359.96 = 30 Pisces) and Ceres is biquintile Jupiter (orb 1.8d). 25feb8:11 am Venus enters Pisces Planetary Ingress 8:11 am EST Event Type :Planetary Ingress Details Venus enters Pisces Venus is in Pisces from February 25-March 21, 2021. It is common within astrology to use similar underworld symbolism when discussing the impact of Pluto transits or difficult conjunctions such as between Saturn and Pluto. There could be archetypal re-enactments of the relationship between Ceres and Neptune in myth, such as the transfiguration of Erysichton’s daughter by Neptune or the rape of Demeter by Poseidon. Again if we pine for the outlandishly unhealthy diets we’ve become used to we’ll go extinct, but if we learn to cultivate food forests again we might just make it to the next level of our evolution. So with Venus in Capricorn, we may get the pretense of restraint or conservatism which conceals a wild side just below the surface. It’s a good placement for marriage, but it can quickly evolve into becoming open enemies if you are not willing to compromise and listen to each other. Once again we find yet another sign of Ceres being an unusually important influence on the United States in 2020. Some believe that the Eleusinian Mysteries involved a reenactment of Persephone’s descent into the underworld, Demeter’s search, and Persephone’s ascent and reunion with Demeter. At the time of this writing, he told me he is having trouble ordering enough supplies to restock the shelves of the food cooperative due to the disturbance the pandemic has caused to the food chain. Immediately upon ingressing Capricorn, however, this more self-contained Venus gets challenged. The union of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn combined with the South Node of the Moon and eclipses has been challenging due to the emphasis Capricorn has on the ancient and traditional, the structures and beliefs that have endured across time and the figures who have gathered strength and skill through a wealth of experience. CERES IN VIRGO is strongly placed, and fosters a sense of service to others, a love of work, and a feeling of competence. Eros desires Venus and Venus clings to Eros, they both need each other, want each other and whenever they connect the spark comes through. . It is in the midst of this wave that we will be challenged to find the deep and embodied groundedness that Ceres represents. Venus Square Vesta. Shows what’s needed to make the relationship work. However, when considering Ceres we can see that Venus is in fact closely applying to Ceres. / And there, at a final feast, devoured himself.”. Venus Square Lilith. Ceres is also co-present with Neptune and the Moon in Pisces in the chart for the great conjunction. Venus will station retrograde in Capricorn starting Dec. 21 (the solstice) for about a month and a half. Plume. In my research on Moon Pluto and eating disorders, I found that Karen Carpenter, the popular musician of the sixties who died of Anorexia Nervosa had Ceres square her Moon Pluto conjunction. The square contains 49 numbers total, ranging from 1 to 49. The heliocentric north node of Ceres is close to twenty degrees of Gemini, while the heliocentric south node of Ceres is close to twenty degrees of Sagittarius. This is the… . In the story of Demeter/Ceres, an inconsolable Demeter consults Hekate (a goddess associated with the lunar cycle, in this case the Lunar Eclipse conjoining the North Node in Cancer, the home of the Moon) over the whereabouts of her missing daughter. All those hours put in as their mother,will come to fruition. The name of the spirit of Venus has a value of 175, and the name of the intelligence of Venus has a value of 1225. The North Node of Ceres in Gemini conjures the torch-bearing, relentless searching of Demeter who the Homeric Hymns tells us “sped like a bird over land and sea, searching.” There is a pull for Ceres to be curious, to ask questions and demand answers, to forge new connections across diverse fields and harvest deep meaning through the swing of her sickle. Moon square or opposite Ceres is the aspect equivalent to the Salvation Army, seeking to rescue those in the most need. As well, Venus is an earthy planet, also associated with Taurus. Presiding over seeds, bequeathing abundant grain, thresher, producing the green fruit, Thus, whenever we cling to a person, thing, or situation that has outlived its purpose, we only prevent ourselves from experiencing the abundance of renewal. However it is also triggered deeply by difficult interactions with my daughter, my Proserpina! Hermes is beside Persephone with his caduceus, while Hekate in the middle carries a pair of torches. You who rejoice in peace and our difficult labors, Venus and Ceres epitomize two aspects of the feminine nature that are biologically integrated but that have been deliberately separated on the social level. Venus … Venus Septile Ceres. Dryads there / Danced a holy circle around its bole / Or joined hands to embrace it.”. CSA Press. Both young mothers of two little boys that I would go to the ends Balance in your love relationships becomes necessary during this time period as you feel a desire to overindulge in your role as nurturer and show your eagerness to “take care of” another. The Ninnion Tablet (ca. Venus Square North Node. When this aspect warps, it warps big. The opposition between Neptune and Vesta suggests nebulous difficulties that need to be sorted out, but we can find hope in the presence of Vesta who is capable of gathering community around her hearth fire to focus attention on a unified goal. Ceres in conjunction to a planet can go either way. Take a look to see the benefits you will receive as a patron – in addition to the normal benefits patrons receive, I am currently offering a 50% discount on all natal consultations for patrons until further notice. The meaning of this configuration for your locality will depend in part upon the house placements of the Moon, Ceres, and Venus as well as the houses ruled by Venus and the Moon. Many astrologers would note that Venus is separating from a sextile aspect with the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction but is out of orb from applying to a major aspect with another planet, leaving it isolated. Venus is not at its most expressive in Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn (making this yet another event with a strong Saturn signature this week). Outgoing expressions of love/affection (Venus) are at odds with quieter nurturing (Ceres). Of course, not all of the people putting themselves on the frontline to tend to those infected by the coronavirus have a strong Ceres signature in their birth chart, nor do all those suffering from the widespread impact of the coronavirus. Rudhyar, Dane. There are innumerable other examples around the world of global powers manipulating the populace through the illusions of Neptune such as in the use of deceptive media and propaganda. Having two daughters in their budding young Adulthood, I so want to give them a crash course in life! The tale of Erysichton is further compelling when we combine the astrological archetype of Neptune with the role played by the god of the sea in the story. As the eleventh house connects with congress and legislation in mundane astrology, perhaps this can point to the populace in the United States demanding legislation connected with significations of Ceres such as policies involving unemployment, labor relations, agriculture, healthcare, and environmental concerns. We find remnants of the transformation of consciousness they brought in the popular use of “underworld initiation” symbolism to describe the meaning gained when enduring experiences of death, loss, and grief that ultimately lead to a rebirth. Ceres has to do with being a parent and your relationship to your own parents. The Ceres-Pholus opposition brings in a newer influence (Pholus, the second Centaur, after Chiron) and one we need to be paying a lot more attention to — the first-ever minor planet, Ceres (which started as a planet, then became an asteroid and is now considered a dwarf planet, along with Pluto and Eris). Jupiter being struck by Mars indicates the devastation the USA will experience with its economy this year. No matter your location, however, Ceres is playing an important role in the Aries ingress due to her proximity with the Moon and Venus. [more on the classical myth of Ceres and Proserpine]. This asteroid has very strong feminine energy. While health care systems and medical professionals have been the most burdened and overwhelmed by the pandemic, panic grocery shopping has also led to a depletion of food within markets. Fundamentally it is a profound opportunity to reimagine our relationship with Ceres as a global society. After Erysichton ignored the warning and cut down the oak, the nymphs of the sacred grove mourned in black and cried out to Ceres to punish the transgressor. Additional research/writing by Eric Francis. It is the only known original representation of the initiation rites. When the patent was obtained for RU-486, Ceres was square Chiron, and Venus was square Saturn. This, in combination with Ceres inconjunct Midheaven and square Ascendant, shows how important nutrition and insulin was. Venus Trine Ceres. Therefore the dragon imagined by astrology that appears with eclipses in this case was a truly chthonic combination of the Moon, Saturn, and Pluto. Venus Trine Juno. Hill, Judith. I agree – if we stay on that trajectory, then what some call “near term extinction” is a real probability. In the Homeric Hymns, Demeter’s search leads her to Eleusis, future site of the Mysteries, where she retreats into a temple built for her and withdraws her procreative force from the world- “the most dread and terrible years . Eclipses and You: How to Align with Life’s Hidden Tides. Venus opposite, square or semi-square Ceres in the synastry chart. Demetra George in Asteroid Goddesses described how the rape of Persephone was not recorded in myth until the time of the Homeric Hymns, and that Ceres as the Great Mother in ancient Crete was integral to fertility rituals through giving birth to Plutus, the god of Earth’s wealth. No worries…as prog Venus stopped on my nadir I began practicing again, even though I was living in a tent and had lost my sparkling home studio. There is something different about Demeter from the other deities of the Greek pantheon. wandering_yeti, I second your remarks about the necessary future of food. Venus Septile Vertex. Venus Trine Chiron. It’s all been more than enough to enrage Ceres. With regard to the United States of America, it’s significant that Ceres is stationing retrograde during a Lunar Eclipse that will be taking place on the Fourth of July holiday in most time zones in the country. Demetra George in Asteroid Goddesses wrote that Ceres “symbolizes the process of birth, death, and renewal” as well as signifies procreation and productivity, food and food related industries, labor unions and workers, strikes, unemployment, GNP, commodities and consumers, issues around nurturance and nourishment, nurses, hospices, and those who serve in social services, childcare, and the education system. 25feb8:11 am Venus enters Pisces Planetary Ingress 8:11 am EST Event Type :Planetary Ingress Details Venus enters Pisces Venus is in Pisces from February 25-March 21, 2021. Perhaps she has something to teach us about using solid structures to guide, but not necessarily limit, love. Ceres listened and sent a mountain spirit in her chariot pulled by dragons to the realm of Hunger, to bid Hunger to take possession of Erysichton’s stomach and curse him with insatiable hunger. And I have Ceres in the 4th House, 0º of Cancer and Gemini IC and I felt everything you said about it in my childwood. When Persephone disappeared (or was taken), Ceres stopped eating and bathing. The Capricorn Solar Eclipse was also conjoining Jupiter in its fall in Capricorn, signifying that issues such as stocks and speculation, the air travel industry, schools, colleges, congress, conferences, bail-outs, and charity would become activated. Ceres and Pluto thus have a profound connection, as in mythology Pluto, dark Lord of the Underworld, abducted her daughter bright Proserpine, Goddess of Spring, thanks to the spiteful jealousy of Venus! Due to Demeter’s complicated mythology in various versions, Tim Addey wrote in The Seven Myths of the Soul that as “mother-sister-wife-daughter of the Creator God,” Demeter is “especially concerned with the proceeding into life by the soul.”. No worries: a wanderer can carry a guitar, the instrument par excellence of vagabonds for centuries. Dane Rudhyar in The Planetary and Lunar Nodes described the planetary nodes as “a focusing channel for the release of . With the COVID 19 pandemic causing mass quarantines around the world and a shutdown of many aspects of local and global economies, we have collectively entered a liminal seclusion at the crossroads of civilization, contemplating how to contain the coronavirus while coming to terms with the irrevocable changes it will cause in societies around the world. The pandemic has brought a dramatic change to family dynamics within the United States, with parents and children who normally have breaks from one another through work and school now together at all times. Are you willing to put energy toward finding solutions for ‘shortages’, whether in terms of world food supplies, or love in your personal relationships? Ceres square Venus Ceres at the Crossroads of Civilization. So what happens when Venus in Capricorn, brings a “fear of giving too much of oneself” (to quote Isabel Hickey) up against the imperative to make sure that all of us, in all our relationships, are fully nourished? Each row, column and diagonal adds up to 175. With riches and blessings and a life governed by good health.
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