cesarean discharge summary

Note the irregular saclike structure (arrowhead) in the region of the lower uterine segment. Cardosi RJ, Porter KB. In both studies, the incision was identified as an oval region that was centrally located between the bladder and the uterus and was iso- to slightly hypoechoic relative to the myometrium. On a sagittal view of the uterus at the level of the gestational sac, there should be a discontinuity in the anterior uterine wall representing the cesarean delivery scar (40). Several years ago in Michigan, Dr. Tami Michele successfully converted Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial hospital over to routine skin-to-skin care after Cesarean. Haziness and stranding or small areas of fluid in the subcutaneous fat can be expected due to the surgical procedure, but no discrete, walled-off fluid collection should be present. 2010). The mother’s heart monitor stickers need to be placed on her sides, to leave a spot open on her chest for the baby, The mother’s gown needs to be placed so that it easily opens for the baby to lay on her bare chest, The mother’s blood pressure cuff and IV needs to be placed on the non-dominant arm, The mother’s oxygen monitor needs to be put on her toe instead of her finger, The baby needs to be dried and covered with multiple warm blankets (potentially bubble wrap) and a cap, If the skin-to-skin time is done very early (in the OR), the baby may need to be laid cross-wise across the mother’s upper chest, above the blue drape, Routine procedures, such as weight, measurement, and baby eye drops, need to be delayed, Other routine baby procedures (APGAR scores, assessment, placing the ID bracelet) need to be done on the mother’s chest, Bathing needs to be delayed, with priority given to the skin-to-skin time. Introduction. 211, No. Because this type of ectopic pregnancy is so rare, there are no specific guidelines for treatment, but the literature describes high success rates with the injection of methotrexate into the gestational sac and, occasionally, of potassium chloride into the fetal thorax using a transvaginal approach (34,38,40,43,46). A study by Antonelli et al (11) detected fluid collections in the abdominal wall or pelvis in 48% of patients after cesarean delivery, and no association was found between the presence, location, or size of a fluid collection and postoperative fever or serous discharge. As with other surgeries, postoperative adhesions are a well-known complication of cesarean delivery and have an impact on maternal and fetal health by causing bowel obstruction, chronic pain, infertility, and subsequent birth issues (eg, delay in newborn extraction or injury to the maternal bowel or bladder during subsequent surgeries). They made sure baby blankets were placed in the heated blanket warmer, and that appropriate medications for both mothers and babies were stocked in each room. A bladder flap hematoma occurs in the space between the bladder and the lower uterine segment, whereas a subfascial hematoma is an extraperitoneal collection located in the prevesical space posterior to the rectus muscles and anterior to the peritoneum. Early skin-to-skin care (also called kangaroo care) is a natural process that involves placing a naked newborn on the mother’s bare chest and covering the infant with blankets to keep it dry and warm. At the time of surgery, the incision had to be extended further laterally into the rectus muscle. In the routine separation group, the baby was taken away immediately for an assessment. Volume 32, Issue 8, August 2012. 07, No. Childbirth, also known as labour or delivery, is the ending of pregnancy where one or more babies leaves the uterus by passing through the vagina or by Caesarean section. Babies held skin-to-skin with their mothers were 32% more likely to breastfeed successfully during their first feed and they had higher blood glucose levels by more than 10 mg/dL. It is usually unilateral, occurring more frequently on the right side than on the left. Normal CT findings in the uterus include an oval or triangular area of decreased attenuation in the myometrium in the anterior lower uterine segment. Placenta percreta in a patient with a remote history of uterine surgery (myomectomy). This helped the staff get engaged in problem-solving in how they could make the process work smoother. (2016), Anderson, G. C., Radjenovic D., Chiu, S. H., et al. Disclosures of Conflicts of Interest.—M.M.H. Cesarean delivery is a commonly performed operation and accounts for nearly one-third of all births in the United States. Don't miss an episode! US will show a well-circumscribed fluid collection between the bladder and uterus with internal debris and, potentially, gas, which appears as echogenic foci causing “dirty” posterior shadowing (Fig 8). What about after a Cesarean— are there any additional risks to keeping mothers and babies together? Sagittal transvaginal US image of the uterus demonstrates hypoechoic myometrium (arrowhead) superior to the cesarean scar, a frequently encountered finding that is occasionally mistaken for a fibroid. One of the main perceived barriers to implementing skin-to-skin care after a Cesarean is because hypothermia (low temperature) in babies is more common after a Cesarean. General postpartum complications such as RPOC may be visualized (Fig 5). However, mothers recovering from a Cesarean can’t do skin-to-skin if they are routinely separated from their babies. In the U.S., 75% of people who give birth by Cesarean are separated from their babies for at least the first hour (Declercq et al. Routine separation of mothers and babies also happens after vaginal births—20% of birth facilities in the U.S. routinely separate mothers and babies immediately after birth (CDC, 2015). Viewer. The adhesions elongate the cervix or lower uterine body, thereby displacing the uterus out of the pelvis. 210, No. What are the benefits to keeping mothers and babies together for skin-to-skin care? + Click here for media and press inquiries. The Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act of 1996 (Newborns’ Act) requires plans that offer maternity coverage to pay for at least a 48 hour hospital stay in connection with childbirth (a 96 hour stay in connection with a cesarean section). Abdominal wall endometrial implantation is estimated to occur in 0.03%–1% of patients who undergo cesarean delivery, but these figures may be low, since some patients are likely asymptomatic (31). In addition, it is important to ask the patient if nipple discharge is originating from one duct of from multiple ducts. The most common presenting symptom was painless vaginal bleeding (39% of cases); 16% of women had accompanying mild to moderate pelvic pain, 9% had only abdominal pain, and 37% were asymptomatic (37). Cesarean delivery (CD) is one of the most common procedures performed in the United States, accounting for 32% of all deliveries. Malpositioned IUD in a cesarean scar. If necessary, the diagnosis can be confirmed with fine needle aspiration, showing endometrial stroma and glands in abdominal wall muscle with inflammatory cells and surrounding fibrosis. Infections include endometritis, wound infection, infected hematoma, and abscess formation. Unfortunately, there is significant overlap between normal postoperative gas collections and truly abnormal puerperal infections, including small amounts of air in the endometrial cavity and myometrial defect and in the superficial and deep layers of the abdominal wall. When infants are brought to the nursery while their mothers recover separately, it is common for a nurse to give a first feeding of formula (Elliott-Carter & Harper 2012). (Fig 27 courtesy of Sandra Allison, MD, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC.). Small cystic areas (when present) represent blood pooling from recent hemorrhage (Fig 23) (33). A study by Twickler et al (9) showed that uterine discontinuity is commonly seen at CT in the period immediately following cesarean delivery (Figs 2, 3). SUPC is most likely to occur when an infant has an internal risk factor, like an infection or heart defect, combined with an external risk factor, like exposure to pain medication or magnesium sulfate medication during labor or risky positioning after the birth (Ferrarello & Carmichael 2016). Superficial wound dehiscence and left rectus muscle hematoma in a 22-year-old woman who had undergone emergent cesarean delivery and presented with postoperative fever that was unresponsive to antibiotics. However, because of the poor correlation between radiologic and surgical findings in uterine dehiscence or rupture, further management of the patient must take into account the patient’s clinical status. Endometritis proceeding to uterine rupture in a 35-year-old woman who had recently undergone emergent cesarean delivery for premature rupture of membranes and chorioamnionitis. In this article, we briefly review the surgical technique of cesarean delivery, discuss the expected imaging findings after cesarean delivery, and describe the findings of the more common acute and chronic complications associated with this procedure. Several series have shown US to have a sensitivity of 67%–86% and a specificity of 50%–93% in detecting placenta accreta (52–55). Note the skin staples and mild stranding in the anterior abdominal wall (arrowhead) from recent surgery. Absorption of systemic methotrexate may be suboptimal because the gestational sac is surrounded by fibrous scar tissue rather than normal vascularized myometrium (39). Transverse color Doppler US image obtained with a 12–5-MHz transducer over the area of pain in the left pelvic wall reveals a round hypoechoic mass with flow in the abdominal wall musculature.Figure 22Download as PowerPointOpen in Image Advise the woman that the IUD should be removed as soon as possible. Sagittal transvaginal US image of the lower uterine segment reveals a thin echogenic line (arrow) representing the old incision, with anterior myometrial thinning and adjacent shadowing edge artifact (arrowheads). US will show a hyperechoic collection between the uterus and the urinary bladder. The rate varies between low-income and affluent countries, with global estimates of 15% worldwide, ranging from a low of 3.5% in Africa, to 33% in the United States, to a high of 43.9% in Brazil (1–3).Although significant acute complications are uncommon, given the increasing prevalence … This is when a seemingly healthy infant becomes rapidly unstable within the first two hours after the birth, often during the first breastfeeding session. (b) Sagittal T2-weighted MR image clearly shows the gestational sac (arrow) implanted at the cesarean scar, with significant anterior myometrial thinning (arrowhead). This happens in three to five infants out of 100,000. In 2011, nurses at Woman’s Hospital in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, led a switch from routine separation after Cesareans to couplet care—keeping mothers and babies together. Sagittal reformatted contrast-enhanced CT image demonstrates a rim-enhancing, gas-containing collection (*) anterior to the uterus and superior to the bladder. A cervical ectopic pregnancy is located in the endocervical canal rather than the myometrium adjacent to the cesarean delivery scar (34). Endometriosis is defined as functioning endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity (31). The patient presented with heavy vaginal bleeding and pelvic cramping. At CT, abdominal wall endometriosis appears as a solid enhancing mass, typically with an attenuation similar to that of muscle, and associated with variable adjacent inflammatory changes. They did not find any differences in Apgar scores, oxygen levels, heart rate, or temperature between groups, or in the mothers’ reported pain perception. PROM occurs in approximately 10% of pregnancies. Because of either poor contractility of the muscle adjacent to the scar or fibrotic tissue impeding the drainage of blood through the cervix, blood may persist in the niche after menstruation (23,24). The patient required hysterectomy for treatment. Abdominal wall endometrial implant with focal blood pooling in a patient with a history of two cesarean deliveries and superficial left-sided pelvic pain at the cesarean scar. Skin-to-skin care can start at different times. . The rates of skin-to-skin care still vary widely by region. In the 1970s, Ann-Marie Widstrom, PhD, RN, MTD, a Swedish nurse-midwife, began to observe and document patterns in the behaviors of babies that were placed skin-to-skin with their mothers immediately after birth (Phillips 2013). Severe acute pain with profuse vaginal bleeding implies impending rupture (38). In a study performed with saline-infused sonohysterography, there was no correlation between the number of cesarean deliveries and the depth of the niche (26). discharge summaries: A discharge summary is required for vaginal deliveries with a post delivery length-of-stay greater than two days, or any length-of-stay coupled with a complication. (2007), Gouchon, S., Gregori, D., Picotto, A., et al. 1, 23 October 2020 | RadioGraphics, Vol. What is the history of mother-infant separation after birth? Familiarity with the normal postoperative findings following cesarean delivery is necessary to recognize acute and chronic complications, which are being encountered with increasing frequency. Note the normally enhancing left ovarian vein (arrowhead). In all but one of the studies, skin-to-skin care began in the recovery room, and it usually started around 50 minutes after the birth and ranged from 30 to 80 minutes. Pregnant patients with prior cesarean delivery are at risk for ectopic pregnancy at the scar, a rare but increasingly reported complication requiring a high degree of suspicion for the diagnosis. (2015), Declercq, E. R., Sakala, C., Corry, M. P., et al. This uterine discontinuity is secondary to edema at the incision site. (a) Sagittal transabdominal US image of the uterus demonstrates an irregular saclike structure (arrow) in the region of the lower uterine segment. Nurses may face a new requirement to learn to ‘scrub-in’ for Cesareans in order to safely receive the baby through the drape. Note the skin staples and mild stranding in the anterior abdominal wall (arrowhead) from recent surgery.Figure 7Download as PowerPointOpen in Image Ongoing patient self-management education and support are critical to preventing acute complications and reducing the risk of long-term complications. However, evidence has shown that it is possible—and best practice—for mothers and babies to stay together after a Cesarean. The actual prevalence of symptoms related to a healed cesarean delivery scar is unknown, but these symptoms may include intermenstrual bleeding and abdominal wall or pelvic pain. 17, No. List chronic complications related to the cesarean delivery scar. After a Cesarean, the rates of skin-to-skin care are lower compared to after an uncomplicated vaginal birth. 2016). Cesarean delivery is the most commonly performed major abdominal operation in women. (a) Transvaginal US image of the anterior lower uterine segment demonstrates irregularity of the posterior bladder wall (arrowheads) and an anterior placenta (arrows). The researchers found significant evidence that skin-to-skin care influences breastfeeding. The rate varies between low-income and affluent countries, with global estimates of 15% worldwide, ranging from a low of 3.5% in Africa, to 33% in the United States, to a high of 43.9% in Brazil (1–3). 5, Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology, Vol. Viewer, A Pictorial Review of Postpartum Complications, Preoperative cystoscopy could determine the severity of placenta accreta spectrum disorders: An observational study, Complications After Gynecologic and Obstetric Procedures: A Pictorial Review, MRI findings of complications related to previous uterine scars, When a cesarean section scar is more than an innocent bystander in a subsequent pregnancy: Ultrasound to the rescue, Imaging in the post-partum period: clinical challenges, normal findings, and common imaging pitfalls, Increasing rate of Caesarean Section Due to Non-Reassuring Cardiotocography, Prevalence and risk factors of inadequate cervical dilation following laminaria insertion in second-trimester abortion — case control study, Transvaginal ultrasound assessment of uterine scar after previous caesarean section: comparison with 3T-magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging, Impact of single- vs double-layer closure on adverse outcomes and uterine scar defect: a systematic review and metaanalysis, Multimodality Imaging of the Postpartum or Posttermination Uterus: Evaluation Using Ultrasound, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Imaging Evaluation of Maternal Complications Associated with Repeat Cesarean Deliveries, Anteverted Retroflexed Uterus: A Common Consequence of Cesarean Delivery. That is up from only 43% in 2009. Reasons for a C-section may include. Although bladder distention is usually encouraged for transabdominal pelvic US, it is discouraged in patients with this typical postoperative uterine configuration, since a distended bladder may further displace the uterine body and fundus out of the pelvis (Fig 16). Bridgette/Bridge/Blook / She/Her / Polysexual / Leo / Lecer / 17 / ENFP / Blood Aspect / Phlegmatic This is my personal blog !! Joint Commission Perspectives. In the first year after starting couplet care, the percentage of infants who were separated from their mothers dropped from 42% to 4%. A surgeon may perform a laparotomy to diagnose and treat conditions affecting the internal organs. MTHelpLine does not certify accuracy and quality of sample reports. 42, No. Note the normally enhancing left ovarian vein (arrowhead).Figure 14Download as PowerPointOpen in Image Abstract Background The perinatal and maternal consequences of induction of labor at 39 weeks among low-risk nulliparous women are uncertain. The rate of complications (eg, pain, bleeding, infection, and perforation) is low, regardless of the timing or route of IUD insertion (30). In this small randomized, controlled study, researchers experimented with keeping mothers and babies together after a Cesarean. Shadowing edge artifacts and a small amount of fluid in the endometrial canal at the level of the scar are also noted.Figure 19Download as PowerPointOpen in Image 4, European Journal of Radiology Open, Vol. ... Low Transverse C-Section Transcription Sample Report. Baker et al (7) used transabdominal US to prospectively study 36 asymptomatic patients 2 days after cesarean delivery to distinguish the normal appearance of the lower uterine incision from significant hematoma. Endometrial clot and debris will appear as areas of increased echogenicity at US or as hyperattenuating material at CT (Fig 4). For example, physicians may think that they need the newborn’s weight right away in order to complete required documentation; however, the record could be completed at a later time or documented as “weight pending due to skin-to-skin.” Education for staff can be helpful to decrease anxiety around making changes. 76, No. 45, No. randomly assigned 37 families planning a Cesarean to immediate skin-to-skin care with the mother or immediate skin-to-skin care with the father. Figure 19 Normal cesarean delivery scar. The exact cause of cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy is unknown, but any process that disrupts or scars the endometrium and myometrium can predispose to abnormal pregnancy implantation (34). We would like to acknowledge our expert reviewers: Tami Michele, DO, FACOG, OB/GYN and OB Clinical Service Chair at Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial in Michigan, and Dylan Cole, DO, FP/OB and Medical Director of Clinical Education at Moab Regional Hospital in Utah. Uterine rupture in a 33-year-old woman who presented with abdominal pain 2 days after undergoing emergent cesarean delivery. Normal appearance of a cesarean delivery incision at US 3 days after surgery. randomly assigned 205 people > 37 weeks’ gestation who were planning a Cesarean to immediate skin-to-skin or routine separation. doi: 10.1111/j.1553-2712.1999.tb01199.x. Transabdominal US is preferred for evaluating the post–cesarean delivery uterus with this configuration because of the anterior location of the uterus and the decreased distance from the transducer. In this landmark study, researchers randomly assigned mother-baby pairs to several different groups, including mother-baby separation for two hours after birth. Importantly, the rate of Cesarean births remains high in the U.S. and currently averages around 32%– or 1.4 million American babies born by Cesarean per year (Menacker & Hamilton 2010).
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