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Kexing was a 192 aa and not a 191 aa, and a lot of people claimed it was no good because of that. Somatropin is a fragile molecule that's really unstable and doesn't stay composed very long at room temperature. Find out where to get good quality here or visit www.HGHInsider.com. The johndoebodybuilding.com website does not contain medical advice. so on a 1ml (100 iu) syringe the “20” mark would be 2 iu’s of HGH. HGH Diet – What Should You Eat During HGH Cycle? The cost varies based on the brand you're ordering, but it's common to pay anywhere from $3 to $4 per IU of high-quality somatropin. It's a great compound to mix with an anabolic steroid cycle...if you can afford it. No, HCG is totally different than HGH. HGH is being used for every tactic there is in the realm of bodybuilding, from cutting cycle to put on the bulk, HGH is the Man! You'll often see some different products offered, ranging from HGH pills to HGH spray - these are complete garbage! Athletes need significantly more HGH. Also get email updates each time I post a new, no-nonsense article. There is a dark side to HGH that isn't all peaches and cream. Sure, this compound doesn't produce noticeable strength-boosting capabilities (7). Please complete this form and click Be sure to check out www.HGHInsider.com for more info and articles on HGH (Human Hormone Growth). When you get the biggest surge of natural GH in your life, it is during puberty, and it's often in irregular spurts, not a steady source. Notice I said "lean" (fat-free) mass because studies have shown that HGH may have little to no impact on muscle growth (1) (2). Water retention and joint pain are probably the worst side effects of HGH that you'll experience. I put on 12kg (fat) in 18 months (diet was ok not the best but ok) went to the doctor found out my thyroid was f#%^ed now on t4 and have lost 10kg and 5 inches off waist. However, GH does provide some quality benefits in the way of protein synthesis, nutrient shuttling, and fat loss - all helping you attain a better physique, especially when combined with anabolic steroids. Is that a waste of time and money? Does this sound right? EliteFitness.com Podcast #8 [Anavar] 39 Cycle Results you did not know about-part 2/3, EliteFitness.com Podcast #7 [Anavar] 39 Cycle Results you did not know about (part 1/ 3), EliteFitness.com Podcast #6[PROFILES] Sustanon 250. Man, it’s $1700 for 10 weeks (omnitrope 17.4iu/vial). The length of HGH cycle in which growth hormone is used on its own will be longer in its duration than the cycle that involves usage of anabolic steroids. When I say used properly, I'm talking just a couple units a day. That is why my talk on HGH on here is very limited, I just don't place much emphasis on it like everyone else does. HGH is measured in IU (international units) and mg (milligrams). I’m 6′ tall, 250lbs, 17% bf (almost all on belly, elsewhere bout 6% bf). Sounds a bit low. In all, he runs HGH for 47 straight weeks before stopping use. Each and every day, our brains produce and secrete this hormone via the pituitary gland. Human Growth Hormone fat loss cycle (4 – 6 months cycle length) This is the utmost basic of GH cycles due to the fact that a moderate dose is utilized, and that HGH itself is run on its own with no other compounds. The correct use of HGH for bodybuilding is a highly relevant topic, so I will address these issues in this article. What it means is that you need to eat a lot of food. Monday and Thursday. Privacy is #1. This is the next step for me anyways, since I can't even use HGH if I wanted to, because of my glucose issues. I didn't need to use as many anabolics during this time either. HGH and Testosterone Cycle: One needs to comprehend the fact that testosterone helps HGH by giving it a boost and increases its effectiveness by making it work faster. More importantly what can it do for you, and is HGH safe to use? I cut out gluen, milk, all sugar, eat 4 meals a day with protein source and green veges at every meal (scared to over eat as I don’t want to get fat again). What you think may be 2 iu's is really a half unit. Bodybuilders being bodybuilders soon realized that if HGH were introduced into their drug repertoire big muscles and shredded conditioning would result. The 2-3.5 ius for 3 months is optimal for workout reasons in the beginning, though I … (Which is the bottom). What do you recommend I do? That’s usually depends on cash flow. I was not motivated to train, I was sleepy as hell pretty much 24/7, and the hand numbness became very annoying (another side effect of HGH). You may find yourself feeling like a zombie, not thinking clearly, lazy as hell, and so tired that you don't even feel safe driving your damn car at times. It is also known as Somatotropin. Athletes and bodybuilders are always looking for a competitive edge that yields results. My question is… Firstly I am 46 years old. Hit the 20 wk HGH/IGF-1/Insulin run from now until February, and then go right into shredding up!!! Testosterone, on the other hand, is a sex hormone that's made in the testes. Once you have the water in the HGH vial with the water at the bottom and the wafer at the top. It’d have to be a peptide secratogue at minimum for me to spend my money, but tthat’s just me, Sir, is it mandatory to take insuline with hgh otherwise you will increase the chance of getting dibetis? As you can see, HGH and AAS are quite different from each other in many respects. Also, keep in mind that all major sports governing bodies have banned GH. To be totally honest with you guys, I'd put my money on secretagogue's over HGH now. Bodybuilding and weight loss are two different things and while building muscle you need to be in a caloric surplus. The science behind them is they don't shut down the pituitary after use since they simply activated it more, and the body did not detect them as an exogenous source of growth that wants to bind to whatever tissues it can. When IGF-1 is released, it stimulates protein synthesis in muscles and encourages amino acid uptake. If you missed the first part click. i wud be taking 2ius in morning and 2 ius in evening…..so how much wud be 2ius in u-40 anjd u-100 syringe?? I slept deeper and my skin did look better on my face. The low HGH dosage will allow your body to get used to the treatment and respond without adverse side effects. Okay, so now that we've discussed all the highs and lows of HGH, it should be reiterated that this is an effective drug for certain bodybuilding purposes. This makes it much easier to get up to 275 lbs and stay fairly lean, if you don't mind a gigantic GH gut and a Frankenstein head. I've seen guys go from a handsome and chiseled looking face, to that of a mutated freak. These are very expensive but you know what you're getting. Ideally you would run HGH year wrong. Under this HGH dosage, you will most likely experience zero side effects and will notice positive changes 2-3 weeks into the cycle. HGH is being used for every tactic there is in the realm of bodybuilding, from cutting cycle to put on the bulk, HGH is the Man! Simply because they do not tell you what strength the product is; instead they hide behind the "IU" claim of so many IU's per vial. With enough HGH it really doesn't matter as much if the diet is clean or not, just get enough protein, Burger King 3 times a day is OK. As mentioned before, GH is secreted by the pituitary gland, usually when you're sleeping or during high-intensity workouts. That said, most younger and middle-aged men should use HGH in the morning so that you essentially have two HGH spikes - one while you're sleeping and one in the early morning. Quality HGH - that with 191 amino acid chains - is fairly expensive to produce, so underground labs aren't going to sell it for the same price as Dianabol. HGH is safe for women at lower dosages, and they can see some nice results concerning increased energy levels, fat loss, healthier skin and wrinkle reduction. somatropin or GH) is created by the pituitary gland, and its primary function is to help our bones, muscles, organs, and tissues properly grow during our early years. From an overall standpoint, HGH isn't magic for bodybuilders that will help them build pounds of muscle and rapidly drop their body fat into the single digits. It is a naturally occurring hormone synthesized by our own bodies. Think of AAS as regular-grade gasoline, adding HGH would turn them into higher, premium-grade fuel. 1-12 testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate: 250mg twice a week. Honestly I felt like absolute shit the entire time I was using it. Therefore, many bodybuilders such as Bradley Martyn will stack it with other anabolic steroids in order to get the most results. Hgh is something you.need to stay on awhile, like 5-6 months at least. Someone states this is a mystical, amazing drug, while someone speaks of HGH colossal harm and negative side effects. HGH contributes to the brain as much as the body. It’s worth it if you have the money for it, but if its a big hit to the wallet then no it’s not worth that. When you go higher the sides get harder to deal with and water retention initially gets worse. I decided that I would go from the 4 iu's/day of Kexing I was using to 8 iu's/day of Hygetropin. Now that we have covered the basics of growth hormone use lets look over some common growth hormone and steroid cycles. Forming the foundation of all anabolic steroids, testosterone plays a big role in protein synthesis, boosts strength and improves muscular endurance. Over time this leads to some unsightly byproducts of aging, like more body fat, less muscle, decreased bone density, worse skin appearance, fatigue and decreased brain function. I started with Riptropins and then went to using Keffei blue tops and a brand called Asunme. However, there were different opinions about its effect on the body. I won’t share or sell your email address to anyone, ever. What a complete ripoff, that isn’t even 1 kit worth of HGH and he wants $1,800? Luckily, the joint pain shouldn't be unbearable in most cases, and the water retention will subside when your HGH cycle is over. Plus, because this compound doesn't shut down your natural testosterone production like anabolic steroids, you can run it far longer. I would say that 90 days is the minimum length. It seems to be muscle that stays with you much longer, since the HGH actually made new muscle cells, where steroids just made bigger cells. So a generic HGH vial that is claimed to be 10 UI's is now effectively 100 UI's due to the water measurement in it. You’ll be using a minimum of 1 kit/month. It's been used by bodybuilders to cut fat, enhance steroid cycles… how soon would I probably notice changes in body fat/lean muscle ratio and skin. A better dosing schedule is: Chapter 2. I wanted to take a gun to my head I felt so rotten. Great Book. In this case, you will need to draw up 30 IU's on the syringe in order to get 3 IU's of HGH (Or you hope you get to provide it isn’t underdosed by the manufacturer). Another issue nowadays is the legitimacy of HGH and knowing that what you have is real and dosed properly. First off, HGH is a protein-based hormone produced in the pituitary gland (base of brain). They were stronger than hell and worked very well. You definitely want to make sure your HGH is very real and most generics just aren't real. Unless you become friends with someone who has AIDS and wants to sell you their HGH kits, I'd personally go with the CJC's or Sermorelin runs myself. Read more here: Human Growth Hormone for Bodybuilding >> 5 Hair growth. The days of discipline and working hard are pretty much over if you're using enough HGH. Though there are also synthetic versions available. If it's really low-quality product, you might even need 7-8 IU's to get the same effect as 3-4 UI's of Serostim. So if you were to buy a supply of 500 IU's, you'd end up paying between $1,500 and $2,000 on average. One more thing to be aware of here: if the price is unbelievable, then don't believe it. ?which will be safe for me,i am a beginner i havent used anything till now but i am thinking to go for a cycle .and plss suggest me something and a detail cycle .thanking in advance if you can take the trouble and help me out sir :-). I have done it both ways - this schedule and the everyday (7 days per week) schedule - and there is really no difference at all with the results...except the above schedule makes your GH supply last longer. Can 19 years old take deca durabolin? Th = off If my thyroid is not functioning properly then is there something else also that may need addressing eg using growth hormone (it is part of thyiod function.. (I am still a bit fat and I am struggling to recover and grow. It may just take more time and dieting. Growth hormone is popular among athletes because “it is widely believed by illicit users that growth hormone works,” says Harrison Pope, M.D., … The last of the great bodybuilders IMO was the Kevin Levrone/Shawn Ray/Flex Wheeler era. However, as the term "black market" suggests, you must always be careful when buying HGH online. However, this isn't to say that HGH has absolutely no place in the bodybuilding community because, as I'll later discuss, you can combine it with anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) for really powerful results. It makes me so hungry that 1 month is all I can take, I’ll throw on 20 lbs in a month EASY when I’m using mk-677. It is also known as Somatotropin. HGH is illegal in most countries concerning recreational or performance-enhancing use. I will have more talk on Secretagogues in the near future. If gains is what you’re looking for then mk is where its at, but good luck staying lean on it. ©2014-2020 EliteFitness.com. But to use several iu's/day of HGH for years, not me. Once secreted, the activity of HGH normally only lasts for around 10-20 minutes. You will damage and pretty much kill the peptide handling it this way. I just have a question. If so, you should definitely visit a doctor and get checked out for cancer because, while GH isn't proven to cause tumors, it can accelerate the growth rate of existing tumors. We will discuss what HGH effects are for bodybuilding, how to choose your dosage and protocol, how long to take growth hormone, and what type of training and diet to choose. Steroids online by reliable sources ‘s not lower-priced. HGH is way too much of a crap shoot nowadays, and pharm grade HGH is just far too expensive. Maybe you don't have to be a millionaire to afford this, but it's certainly not cheap for a non-muscle building compound. It's been used by bodybuilders to cut fat, enhance steroid cycles, and recover from workouts faster. Also, when taking more than 4 IU's of HGH per day, try dividing it into two doses; one in the AM upon rising and the other half at 4 p.m. in the evening. After all, going this high requires T4 supplementation and very often incorporating insulin since the only reason to go higher than 10 UI's of HGH is for forced bulking. Another bodybuilding benefit of HGH is that it travels to the liver and induces the secretion of Insulin-like Growth Factor One (IGF-1). To use HGH to try to actually grow, the side effects were so nasty that I didn't think it was worth it. Send it again if you would please. Human Growth Hormone, or HGH for short. The following is the rumored "Death Cycle" he ran prior to his death, along with the bodybuilding benefits, and side effects of each compound below. Never squirt the water directly onto the HGH wafer. The upside to HGH is the results don't just go away like they do when you stop using steroids. To give you a basic idea of how to run an HGH cycle, you can check out this EliteFitness thread. Now, what should you eat is the big question. Daily injection is the oldest because it began in the 1970s and also the most common. Dude, save your money, 0.15 iu twice a week will do jack shit!!! I felt much better the days off, not so tired. If you are trying to use HGH to grow with, you need your dosage at least 4iu/day. I just sent another one via your contact form using the ‘CONTACT’ page above. You need to read Straight From the Underground – the ultimate reference guide to steroids, To develop the body of your dreams and learn all the best steroid cycles and secrets…, God help us all, Grandpa is on Trenbolone! By keeping dosages reasonable, you should keep your normal human appearance too. How to Cycle HGH for Bodybuilding. We hear of men and women using HGH at just 1-2 iu's a day and benefiting from it, and we hear of bodybuilders taking as much as 20 iu's a day and making DRASTIC changes in hyperplasia (development of new muscle tissue) and muscle growth. A 5 day on / 2 day off pattern is the best route, but most people fall into the (bad) habit of doing it Mon-Fri and then Sat and Sun off - this isn't very good. 10 UI's from a 4mg compound will be weaker than 10 UI's from a 6mg product. I got to the point with bodybuilding that I stopped looking at physiques that were morphed and cartoonish looking and began aspiring to look more like the bodies of the 1960's and 1970's. Since the first use of human growth hormone (HGH) by bodybuilders, it’s remained an anabolic with plenty of conflicting ideas and opinions associated with it. 1-12 Deca-Durabolin: 200mg twice a week Monday and Thursday. Ideally you would run HGH year wrong. Regardless of your goals, the main rule for HGH Cycle is to begin using injections slowly in order to avoid (or at least minimize) various side effects, such as joint pain, bloating and swelling. I'm speaking from my own experiences here, I did not feel good on higher amounts of HGH. There were times when I would have to pull the car over and have my wife drive because I was too exhausted. We hear of men and women using HGH at just 1-2 iu's a day and benefiting from it, and we hear of bodybuilders taking as much as 20 iu's a day and making DRASTIC changes in hyperplasia (development of new muscle tissue) and muscle growth. Run 4iu’s/day for a minimum of 20 wks, or run 2iu’s/day and combine IGF-1 with it. I purchase a copy of your ebook recently and I find it very informative. With "blue tops" (generic) HGH, you'll probably need 5-6 UI's before you start seeing decent results. It's made of 191 amino acid chains and controls a number of functions like cell reproduction and repair, and growth of tissue and bones. Imagine how much more muscle you could gain if you worked each muscle group twice every 10 days, rather than the standard of once per week. HGH bodybuilding cycle 1: Daily Dosages. Just a couple iu's a day of REAL HGH, and then come in with the IGF-1 and insulin. The correct use of HGH for bodybuilding is a highly relevant topic, so I will address these issues in this article. But its ability to enhance fat loss, improve workout recovery time, and heal old injuries certainly has some use to athletes. All rights reserved. HGH (a.k.a. But the most-attractive HGH benefit is definitely its weight-loss effects. I had test levels tested and doc said I have test levels of a man in their 20’s. Beginner GH and steroid cycle: bulking. Overall, though, the results and benefits are exactly the same. You have to go through some serious $$$$$ and living hell to get some mass from HGH. For decades, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has been referred to as the "fountain of youth". Growth hormone 22 IU's per day: Human Growth hormone benefits include anti-aging, immune system boost, muscle growth, and fat loss. TThe guy discussed in the thread gets blue tops HGH. Just found your site and bought your e-book (friend bought it for me). I just bought some and am trying not to get all bloated and watery and stay lean..I know the recommended dose is 25mg but didn’t know of I needed to start with that. You may disagree with me here, and that is fine. There are some underground labs that offer HGH products to anybody through the internet. The HGH vial should be turned upside down with the wafer at the top of the vial. Plus, if you're middle-aged, and beyond, you can't overlook the anti-aging effects of this drug either. So if you want to use 3 IU's of HGH at a time, you have to adjust your calculations based on the total volume amount in the vial accordingly. Click here to read the thread. The only way to legally obtain this drug is by getting a prescription for either child growth deficiency or adult growth hormone deficiency. Now consider that when HGH is constituted, we normally use 1ml of bacstat water, which is 100 UI's. Chapter 3, God help us all, Grandpa is on Trenbolone! Since 1970-1980, many professional athletes began to increase muscle mass. Generic HGH is a crap shoot nowadays, and the only way to know if it's decent is to have it tested or have a good level of trust with your source. I’ll be working hard to get jacked like you! Day to day functioning on high doses of HGH will be very difficult. When you take HGH, injections will largely depend on your age. Trying to loose bf and gain muscle same time plus improve skin after 7 yrs hard mil deployment. Sounds more reasonable money wise? If you don't have a prescription to buy HGH, or a doctor willing to prescribe it to you, then the black market is your other option. Human Growth Hormone, as previously mentioned, is frequently stacked with anabolic steroids due to its synergistic effect with these hormones.HGH and anabolic steroids assist each other in various direct and indirect pathways in the human body in order to maximize the potential of muscle growth and/or fat loss in any given cycle. Think cautiously, bring up ur power, have your own desires fast – buy anabolic steroids. Your own pituitary stops making HGH or produces much less from that point forward, so you might be worse off than before you started. Thanks as always my Bro! If I hear back from you in 12 hrs, super awesome to see if the $1800 for hgh is worth it. 1-12 Deca-Durabolin: 200mg twice a week Monday and Thursday. My midsection didn't take the hit from it either, and my physique has remained closer to the type of body I find appealing. Given all the bad things that happen when our bodies produce less HGH, one huge benefit of this drug is that it can reverse or at least improve aging. During this short duration, it binds to fat cells, causing them to break down into triglycerides and preventing these fat cells from uptaking lipids. Hey new to your site I heard about it from Victor. Anabolic steroid side effects are pretty serious, with users potentially experiencing gynecomastia (man boobs), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver toxicity, low sex drive, low natural testosterone and/or water retention. If you shake HGH too hard, this can also reshape it and form something entirely different from Human Growth Hormones. I have a quick question. Learn why bodybuilders prefer HGH over steroids here or visit www.HGHInsider.com. the beginners, intermediate and advanced, the same can be claimed for HGH cycles. My stomach felt like a rag that was constantly being churned and twisted. As for the bodybuilding circles, the human growth hormone cycle actually divided the famous bodybuilders to “before” and “after”. right?) First of all you need the following supplies: Draw up 1cc (1ml) of bacteriostatic water into a syringe. You can get better results from anabolic steroids, and use less of them just by incorporating HGH. Sounds good man, as for carb backloading if it works for you then go for it. Something else about HGH people don't consider is the effects on the pituitary gland. How many iu’ would make blast off the belly fat, improve skin and go well with the 600mg depo test for me scale mass? the button below to gain instant access. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) offers people a number of advantages, including increased IGF-1, improved athletic performance, better sleep, and the ability to heal injuries. IU (international units) is a standard measurement concerning amount/quantity, not strength. As if I haven't already discussed enough great things about HGH, yet another is that you shouldn't experience many side effects with it. Now that we have covered the basics of growth hormone use lets look over some common growth hormone and steroid cycles. Unfortunately, our body's HGH peaks when we're adolescents and begins to decline from here. For bodybuilders, HGH (and the IGF-1 that is a result of its use) is the only substance that can actually initiate hyperplasia, which in the interest of our use in bodybuilding equates to new muscle cells. The research showed that older men who received HGH injections lost 13% body fat, as compared to the 5.8% fat reduction in the testosterone group (4). Human Growth Hormone (hGH) is produced and secreted in the brain by the pituitary gland. I ran it for about 4 months and then switched over to a brand called Hygetropin. This drug has some good effects on fat loss and workout recovery - two huge qualities that bodybuilders benefit from HGH. Period. In the pic above, you can see some of the undissolved wafer clinging to the side of the vial. Men aged 20 to 50 should release a fair amount of GH at night while they're sleeping; so taking this drug before bed will only suppress your natural output and result in wasted product. Higher IGF-1 levels lead to carbs being converted to glucose and used as energy, rather than being stored as fat. However, this is a mistake because they are very different from each other. With that being said, I have found injuries to be more common with HGH, since there is new muscle cells, but since they are new they are not as strong and established yet. .....Use This Testosterone & HGH Cycle for Maximum Fat Loss. HGH at 6IU per day. 6 Better brain function. But the most-attractive HGH benefit is definitely its weight-loss effects. Longer HGH cycles, on the other hand, are great for bodybuilding, healing old injuries and trauma. After all, it could be underdosed, fake, or even an entirely different compound. Once released, it stimulates the liver to make insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and this hormone then triggers the growth and repair of bones and body tissues including muscle, skin, organs, and more. And I'm pretty sure HGH was being used to SOME DEGREE, but not like today. So if there is any benefit to it, that is one of them. At first, synthetic growth hormone was used in bodybuilding to increase muscle mass. So-called HGH Frag 176-191 (Peptide Magnus Pharmaceuticals) is a modified splitting of the 176th and 191th amino acids from the sequence of the normal polypeptide growth hormone (HGH). The HGH will be ran at 2 iu's/day, 5 days on and 2 days off. With quality Serostim, you can see pretty good bodybuilding results with just 3-4 UI's a day. Many bodybuilders will take HGH to prevent muscle loss in between steroid cycles. HGH is a very, very fragile peptide, and you should never add water directly to the wafer or shake the vial. Is it worth running a bunch of different generics to find something legit, spending thousands of dollars, and walking around pregnant-looking for 20-30 more lbs of muscle? But there is a lot about HGH you may not know about. Now this isn't to say that you're going to live to 120 just because you take HGH injections, but you should start to look and feel more youthful by using this drug. What are your thoughts on HGH? Keep reading this guide as you'll learn about HGH side effects, HGH results, is HGH legal, HGH vs steroids, and a step by step guide on how to mix HGH - complete with pictures. Monday and Thursday. It is responsible for cell growth, reproduction and regeneration and without[…] I started seeing the direction the stomachs were going and the waistlines and decided that I was not a fan of modern day bodybuilding. FUCK NO! On my human growth hormone studies and research, it says that the perfect hgh cycle span is three months. Im currently on HRT and my doctor prescribed me Test C and HCG. ?and plss give the detail information to me whether i will be taking steroids or hgh ? This is especially the case when you combine HGH with testosterone, which gives you a great synergistic effect for fat loss and workout recovery. Some people take HGH 7 days a week, which provides good results; however, I don’t think this is necessary. ! It's very easy to feel like you need to use this stuff with all the talk on HGH the past few years, but this is no miracle drug. In this cycle, there is no need to use more than 4 IU/day if your formulation is shipped well, stored well, and sold by a trusted dealer. You can roll the vial slowly back and forth to ensure all is mixed. NB: The dosages below are not FDA approved so beware! This allows your body to mimic the normal pattern of GH release that you'd have with a properly functioning pituitary gland. But guys get carried away with it, they eat massive amounts of junk. However, this is not considered a safe drug by the medical community nor is it approved for bodybuilding or anti-aging usage. Everywhere you look now, someone is talking about the benefits of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). More than 10 IU's of HGH daily, then divide into four doses: AM, noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m. Higher than 10 IU's of HGH daily is not encouraged for the average trainee, and even for the elite trainee, until much research has been done. I wouldn’t overthink the process too much, just clean up the diet and slowly dial it in. I'm not talking normal vomiting, I mean like projectile, exorcist style vomiting. 25mg would be a good dosage to start with and stay with, the shit will make you eat everything though!! But then again, bodybuilders don't take HGH because they've been fooled by public opinion. Assuming you're just using HGH for anti-aging and general health benefits, you can get solid results with only 2-3 UI's per day. ! HGH Dosages For Bodybuilding . Based on the experiences of many bodybuilders that are into enhancement drugs; Combining HGH with other drugs such as insulin and steroids not only reduces the side effects of using a high dosage of HGH, it can even produce better effects.
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