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“More than an ideological persuasion, social justice — modulation of the powers of capitalism, colonialism, race, gender, and others — is all that stands between sustaining the (always unfulfilled) promise of democracy and wholesale abandonment of that promise.” How does this connect the discussion we’ve been having about the social to the political? Great synopsis of how it should be done though. Explain this dual privatization and how it links up the secured private home to a secured private nation. The confusion is natural it is why ETCO2 became a requirement in all operating rooms in the USA. Hi Scott Which is what? Multiple hosts. It could potentially be a checklist to ensure one is choosing the optimal airway technique in the planning stage for the stable patient (eg check mouth, difficulty for BVM and SGA then caution for RSI). First, you can go more specific. I will plan to incorporate this into my practice, spread it to my ED group and look for its application in Critical Care Transports. For Occupy, that identification of the 99 percent, and then what became a routine chant at every social movement for the next decade, “This is what democracy looks like.” When gathering in assemblies, when gathering in squares, when protesting, when shouting, but also when presenting as Black Lives Matter and Occupy and Extinction Rebellion and others, as a kind of naked demand on the part of the people for a better world and a world in which power was not concentrated, held, used against us, used against the planet. Those questions that have come up time and time again, asked by the 100s of people I’ve helped to start a podcast through The Podcast … That’s why it’s important to think about the social in relationship to democracy. Great podcast, as always. However, a sedentary life brought with it morbid obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Believe it or not, some even use DIY (do-it-yourself) pop filters. I am still struggling to find an easy reliable way to remember, teach and use airway decision making. It doesn’t tell us anything about the anti-democratic thrust of neoliberalism, the ways it frontally assaulted democratic institutions and the very idea of democratic decisions about how things ought to be ordered, how goods ought to be distributed, how the social and economic world ought to be approached. Yes and no. These include free speech, thanks to Citizens United. Freud told us that structure was, “I know, but still”; that is, I know it’s not true, but still I believe; I know that carrying that little rabbit foot in my pocket is not going to keep me safe, but still, I can’t leave the house without it. How have conservatives managed to unite private property on the one hand, and traditional morality and the family on the other, and in doing so, use the First Amendment to both allow for private forums of religious domination and also more generally curtail government’s right to regulate private business? Etomidate I have seen one source say per total body weight (Annals EM 56:2, 2010) and another as per lean body weight (Br J Anes 105:suppl 1 2010). As the moneymaking potential increases, so does a podcast’s popularity… and the same may apply to your internet radio station. The Bernie campaign, Occupy, Black Lives Matter, the Sunrise Movement, and the Green New Deal — they all seem fundamentally connected in their insistence on the primacy of the social. | Greater Sydney Area HEMS, The Intubation Checklist - 60 Second EM : 60 Second EM, RSI Basics Podcast with Minh Le Cong (@ketaminh on twitter) | DOWNSTAIRS CARE OUT THERE BLOG, Cardiogenic Shock - R.E.B.E.L. They’re being given more freedom to act as they want to act. One suggestion for the team portion is giving specific instructions to your in-line stabilizer for the collared patients, so that they know exactly what they are doing. They have to keep the train running. The patient needs to create an inspiratory effort to overcome the positive alveolar pressure that occurs due to auto-PEEP. We see it at the border, the carceral state, and abroad through empire. That’s exactly what the neoliberals wanted eliminated. How many episodes do you air per year? And the Supreme Court said no, because these folks have the religious liberty to do the thing they want to do. They’re about a radically transformed or reregulated and redistributed capitalism, but it can’t be that radical without crumpling. Neither one has happened. A state that might rectify wrongs like systemic racism or systematic and institutional forms that make women everywhere subordinated, less well paid, less independent, and fundamentally less equal. They should be profoundly deeply sedated. In undergrad the Geography Deptartment had shirts on the back that said, “Follow me I am a Geographer”. The guys who ruled out the neoliberalization of Chile were, as we know, called the Chicago Boys, they studied under Friedman. By the way I printed it duplex and pdf worked fine as is. In porn, unlike much else, women generally out-earn men. ("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var d=0;a=c[d];++d){var e=a.getAttribute("data-pagespeed-url-hash");e&&(! Because instead of assuming that markets run themselves and that a minimal state or no state is the best state, you need some state to keep the whole thing running, and you need some technocrats, but they weren’t interested in those people being democratic representatives. It may be a particular form of capitalism on steroids, because financialization is born out of neoliberalism, so you get rent-seeking and other forms of “unproductive” wealth production. Choose the right equipment and software so your podcast cost is kept relatively low. The podcast’s private Facebook group currently numbers more than 132,000 Murderinos ... My Favorite Murder teaches that embracing our morbid interests can make us … Shoulders of giants and such…. And using actually the most mainstream, readily available material created by decades of childhood safety panics, stranger danger, sex panics. 50. Forget constitutional or “bourgeois” liberal democracy. Finally… The EMCrit Call/Response VodCast is done. It’s not about the people ruling, it’s just about the people voting and having rights. Because it rolls out in its stead the idea of economic freedom for individuals, but also the idea of a moral order that emanates from “traditional morality.” Instead of the state intervening in the hierarchies, the exclusions, the racisms, the sexisms, the heteronormativity that has so long secured our order, neoliberalism essentially makes way for a political culture that says no, freedom and the good rest in traditional moral orders. Does Friedman do this just by tautologically defining coercion as repressive power exercised by the state? I guess I’m just longing for a decision tool that helps teach the gestalt… Read more ». My one question- for awake intubations you say to use “ketamine heavy” ketofol. They’re structured by hierarchy and an order that is stable, and comforting, and generative, and secure, because they’ve been tried and tested over time. And when values are devalued, that conscience itself begins to lighten and loosen. How Much Does YouTube Pay per 100 Views? The scenario was a COPD patient with housefire exposure. This is more my preference but I like to have people think of bougie as part of 1st attempt so I group them into the routine intubation equipment checklist (vs failed airway). What happens when you just turn workers more and more into appendages of capital and divest them from their families, from their farms, from their villages, and so forth. Those twin crises mean something has to happen that’s pretty dramatic. It’s a condition in which values are toppled from their foundations. If surgically inevitable and approaches from the mouth and nose are too difficult, improbable or impossible, then perhaps plan A should be cric or CricCon3/double setup. It doesn’t mean they were fascists, but they didn’t have any trouble at all with a mass society organized by a very strong state that would tend to the people through particular moral political practices and establish a very technocratic state that had no responsiveness whatsoever to popular demands. For Hayek, both markets and morals are “[r]ooted in liberty and generating spontaneous order and evolution.” They “both ‘spontaneously’ yield order and development without relying on comprehensive knowledge or reason and without a master will to develop, maintain, or steer them.” Are markets and traditional morality, for Hayek and other neoliberals, similar but distinct things with a shared enemy, or are they more basically part of the same organic order that structures humans morally, and then relates those humans to one another through the price signal? Probably we need to go back to Plato here. QAnon is, for Trump’s religious right base, the re-sublimation of Trumpist nihilism into this Trumpist world-historical moral purpose. We’re in a different game now. It doesn’t print nice on my generic black and white printer at home. No founding idea ends up being realized without a lot of transmogrifications along the way and inversions of those ideas as they encounter other powers, appropriations of them, and distortions. Of course if time to it. However, if you want a professional pop filter, you can get a Neewer NW 6-inch pop filter and it will only take you back $7.99. Spammers probably work for the Joint Commission. Subscribe to our email list to keep informed on all of the Resuscitation and Critical Care goodness. If you have 3 podcasts per week, each running two ads at $30 CPM you will make: Tarrant said female performers can make a minimum of $300 for a solo scene, $800 for … Now let’s assume 10 of your viewers actually clicked on or watched the advertiser’s video. We have one today that is constantly cutting tax breaks and subsidizing the rich while squeezing the poor. Finding your place in the order. It took him ten years to achieve that success. This being our first use, it took 8 minutes from EMS report until checklist completion. I’ve attached a standardized prompt that my boss Ken… Read more ». I’m sure I’m missing the data of pubmed, but I can’t seem to find something really convincing. He thought that capitalism was good in some ways, but also morally degrading and engendering of nihilism. As long as you can think of 20-30 ideas relatively easily, it can work. So it’s an old question with a novel set of challenges and predicaments. They have unequal results, and what happens in their mind is that people who are aggrieved about market results confuse results with the freedom that they had in the market itself — that results are a different matter from the fact that you’re free and equal in the market. You can gently pass the bougie to find hold-up. I wonder to what extent QAnon, as a conspiracy theory, is helping to keep Trump supporters supporting him, while paying less and less attention to what he actually says. It’s unsteady, it’s chaotic, it’s messing in markets, it’s messing in all kinds of things. (There is no “checklist” per se, as it is recommended in a few of the other online available airway algorithms, e.g. article in Br J Anesth proves it. It’s in the same vein as how we probably underutilize sedation for common painful proceedures. Who complain about how they’re not getting ahead or how they’re not getting rich or how they’re not succeeding in school because of one vector of power or another that they say ought to be redressed. Multiple guests require several mics, an audio interface to support the mics, and audio editing software to mix them all together. They order our actions, but they don’t order our actions by telling us what to do. They distribute your feeds for you so they are accessible on their devices but that is all. this blog was so helpful. tim, Happy to look, but the jargon is all explained on the back. I had not seen color in many of the aeronautic checklists either. And how does that, in turn,, fuel this grievance culture that is so pervasive on the Right, from evangelicals and their persecution complex to our extremely whiny and sensitive president? They’re not being regulated. Sydney HEMS or EMcrit. This is kind of a weird and specific request, but are there any good podcasts that are about the Satanic Panic in the US during the 80s I think? Print it, laminate it, and zap-strap it to the head of every resus bed. There’s only individual men and women,” and then she paused, “and their families.” There’s no common, there’s no social, there’s no society, there’s only individuals and/or families. Exactly. But ETCO2 is the standard. Are you thinking about starting your own podcast? He’s a good demagogue, he’s got mass energies that they want to deactivate. That’s how it works side by side with deregulation. Marx doesn’t matter because these things veered.” No, the ideas really do matter, because they were inspirational. Thanks. However, there really are no details about what your definition is of a difficult airway, at least from an anatomical viewpoint. Just wondering if elevation of bed to an angle around 30 degree ,will give better view of the cords during intubation and make it easier or not ? Margaret Thatcher said it best: “There is no such thing as society. — the EMCrit Crew (@emcrit) February 5, 2013, Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 28:36 — 72.5MB) | Embed, Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | RSS | More, Filed Under: EMCrit-RACC Tagged With: featured, podcasts. All of that is born and bred out of a neoliberal economic and cultural political order. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Now your iPad will not rotate when you turn it on its side. Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Of course they do! I raise that because the reality of the Bernie campaign, which I supported from beginning to end, is that it was a campaign mobilizing the people for popular power, for social movements, for popular demands, for all the right things. The nation is alternately rendered as a competitive business needing to make better deals and as an inadequately secured home, besieged by ill-willed or nonbelonging outsiders.”. "The Joe Rogan Experience" was one of the first comedy podcasts, and he did it for years before it made any money. That is generally our most familiar environment with the OR team, ventilators, good light and the setup we are using all day. IBW and just do TBW for both. Most shows charge $2.99-$6.99 for … We would not say Marx doesn’t matter, because after all, state communism veered so dramatically from the vision that he etches of communism as a form of emancipation, equality, and the withering away of the state, where we reduce labor time to a minimum and we are finally free to “express our human energies” in an utterly creative way.
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