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An afternoon hike turns deadly when friends Don and Joseph get lost on a trail surrounded by steep canyon walls hundreds of feet straight up. Years after Phyllis recovered from a shattered heel, the pain returned and became unbearable. Alphonza's love of money drove him to deal drugs. As a result, marriage, family, and relationships crumble. Their marriage was marred with violence, drugs and alcohol. Heroin took Jacqui down a road of crime and danger. Then, one day Gordon turned on the TV and discovered instant relief. A prayer on television that specifically addresses Crystal’s foot pain leads to a miracle healing. The doctor became the patient when physician Patty Williams is diagnosed with lupus. Then he met a former dealer who introduced him to Jesus, and Frank’s life did a complete 180. This salvation story proves that God can find a lost soul anywhere... even in solitary confinement. When she had an encounter with God, she was able to believe in Jesus and eventually forgive the gunman. However, the darkness he suffered made the light of Christ shine brighter. Gigi Erneta went to Hollywood to chase her acting dream, but she only got work in horror flicks and low budget TV. Terry prayed for a Godly man and got a brand new Steve. With 8 laps to go the yellows came on with VA9 Dan Evans tangling with a lap car and spinning in T2. Whitney Long had an ongoing problem drug abuse until her father discovered her secret. For all intents and purposes, Ken was as good as dead. It would take a near-fatal accident for Rod Thomas to see the joy in Christmas. However, her tears were not hidden from God. Instead, a complication from the surgery resulted in three years of difficulty that baffled her doctors. Childhood abuse planted seeds of sexual confusion into Robert Reschar. See their dramatic rescue and witness how prayer helped them stay afloat. Doctors doubted much of a recovery. He says the Nazi system, like any other totalitarian system, is based on lies. The stress of work and raising twins became overwhelming to Herman and April and their relationship suffered. She desperately sought love from men, then babies, but eventually turned to drugs to numb the pain. Kellie Tew was molested when she was very young. As a teenager, she began to dabble in witchcraft, hoping the power of magic would bring her the serenity she desperately longed for. After five weeks in a coma he began to beat the odds. Her husband’s work took them from Los Angeles to Nashville. Alex's grandparents are Christians and refused to give up. It seemed like a lot of fun until he found out that it was no game. Marsha had been an active swimmer all of her life, but an accident while moving a table left her knee in severe pain. That choice almost killed him. Since biblical times, Christians have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the gospel: Christians like Aleks Tyshkevich, who lived life in fear because of his Christian beliefs. Odegaard signed a short-term deal with the Gunners in January that will initially run through until the end of the campaign. Mark had suffered with loud ringing in his ears that caused him to miss out on life. He received healing through a Word of Knowledge given by Kristi Watts. As his playing career was winding down and his marriage was falling apart, Derwin needed a new motivation. Could she be forgiven for ending her baby's life? After getting into trouble as a teen, he was sent to juvenile detention where his life took a dramatic turn. But that was not the only miracle in store for Leo. Pro-Life advocate Sol Pitchon shares his passion for the unborn and the amazing story of how his mother survived a Nazi surgical sterilization attempt during the Holocaust. Michael used to weigh over 650 pounds. Bill grew up wanting to be financially well-off, but shady real estate deals and drug dealing ended his dreams of wealth when he landed in prison. After growing up under the harsh brand of Islam practiced by her father, Hephzibah was hesitant to share her conversion to Christianity with him. James wondered if he'd die or spend the rest of his life in prison. Now she is back to her energetic lifestyle of working out and hip hop dancing. He was submerged for more than 12 minutes. As Paul lay unconscious, Chuck sought the Lord for hope and he was given a particular Psalm to pray. Abused as a child, Broderic buried his hurt into the party scene. Phyllis knew in her heart that it was for her. Sexually and physically abused by her father, Julie ran away from home and thought she'd never come back. Little did Don Piper know he would be late for the service that night--not just by minutes or hours, but by months--and before he got home, he would take a detour he would never forget. He was drowning his misery in alcohol. From seeing his mother beaten to living on the run, this young rap star saw a lot of pain growing up. Traumatized by her mother, Tonier turned to prostitution and drugs to survive. Karen didn’t want to rely on pain medicine to ease her aching neck and shoulder. Crowned Miss America in 2007, Lauren Nelson struggled with identity and purpose beyond being a beauty queen. He released two back to back hits in 1998, but when he became a Christian shortly after their release—Mark lost his fame, money and ego. The wrong crowd led to bad decisions when Jared Bellan was a young teen in Pennsylvania, but a prison sentence helped Jared make a new decision. When his wife Stephanie found out about the infidelity the couple had to decide how they would move forward in their marriage. Her father meant everything to Stacy. Freddy Vest made a living as a calf-roping rodeo entertainer, but an awkward fall from his horse left him with less than a five percent chance of survival. Veteran of the second World War, George Shee reflects on the Lord's protection during his military service and life since. Less than two years later, the very man who stole her daughter’s heart would also take her life. It seemed like there was no solution to her debilitating back pain, until one day she heard something amazing on The 700 Club. While serving time in Leavenworth, David reached a point of desperation that had him contemplating suicide until a song changed his mind. But today, Kevin Dodge is a free man.
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