trt fat loss reddit

I've lost 120lbs on keto in 1 year. Press J to jump to the feed. I have had no noticable change in labido, mood, etc. Ask vítor Belfort if one looks better on TRT :P. The question is can TRT convert fat into muscle. If you really want to see the weight fall off, do fasted cardio on your non lifting days and cut out most of the carbs and up your (good) fat intake. My last cycle was June 2019. Keep an eye on your E2 levels. TRT on its own is not majic. I have a friend on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and couldn't shed body fat until he increased thyroid hormone. I’m on same protocol but was never told when to take hcg. Because concentrations can be different. Good thing is TRT will jump start your metabolism, so weigh loss should be faster and easier. Use the Row Machine at High Intensity. Just don’t want to negate the benefits of the TRT. I know calorie deficits typically decrease testosterone but fasting increases HGH, right? I just want to kindly remind others (like I basically have to tell myself all the time) that slow weight loss is actually very very good for you. TRT affects on fat I've always had Low T, and I've always been very skinny, but no matter how skinny I get, a layer of fat sits on me, mostly around the stomach and hips. 5'7.How much weight did you lose? Consistency and effort are the most important pieces. You’re welcome. My weight loss was closer to 1 lb every 3 days until I was under 240. I assume you mean to get less fat. When running 5K EOD (in under 25 min) and training heavy with weights on the inbetween days, the visceral fat remained. Haven’t retested yet. I was frustrated at first but now 6 months later I’ve packed on 8 lbs of muscle and lost 4 in fat. I do ketogains 5x5 workout which is fun, easy to follow and I have doubled what I could originally lift in all lifts. Fasting can increase insulin sensitivity though. Still a fatty. A plethora of studies indicates that TRT can improve body composition in men who have low testosterone levels. Robinhood, the app used by many of the Reddit investors, suddenly stopped allowing further GameStop stock to be bought. I’m losing weight now after 7+ months, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Testosterone community. My doctor always gives me a lecture about liver health and TRT when I'm in his office. It'll get you moving and motivated. I don't take an AI. Total test 165 free test - 3,31 LH - 1,0 FSH - 5,4 E2 - 24 SHGB - 39 I went to the endocrinologist, and he … Morning wood is pretty consistent. As a result, patients undergoing TRT may see … 3-5, 7 I looked all over this sub Reddit searching over all the post about hematocrit values and how to lower them, the information on this forum helped me so much. I did every diet known to man before that and yo-yo'd pretty hard. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, 3 METHODS FOR LOSING WEIGHT THAT WORKED FOR ME ON TRT, More posts from the Testosterone community. Testosterone: The male sex hormone. Can’t wait to see what happens when I cut. Testosterone replacement therapy may also benefit anemic males by increasing hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen, by 5-7%. Hey I’m curious what days you take your trt/hcg. At least for a while. Throw that shit out. Other than that, weight is defined by cals in/out and TSH. Calories in vs. Calories out, you can try and make it more complicated but no need to. Excercise is a must though. also Mark's daily apple. So, why exactly does TRT cause hair loss? If they are too high it will be a pain in the ass to try and lose weight. TRT Mistakes #4: Wrong Management of Possible Side Effects. Strength has come back big time. Testosterone could be the magic weight-loss drug that men are looking for. Wondering if there’s a better way to lose weight while on TRT. I have jumped from a morning weight … Eating 5 meals a day is only useful for bodybuilder bulking, where you need that much eating time to stuff 10,000 calories into you. It sounds like you are doing a lot of physical activity so make sure you account for that. Was non existent before and now want it all the time. Tsh 1.0 andots of excercise is the best way. 1 Good thing is TRT will jump start your metabolism, so weigh loss should be faster and easier. The dose I just dropped was 80 every 5 days. Your caloric intake doesn’t have an effect on your testosterone levels now that you’re on TRT. Ultimately, I need to lose 100+ lbs. TRT Can Improve Body Composition Body composition stands for fat or lean mass a person has in his or her body. bread and breakfast cereal? Hey guys, went to the doc today and it looks like TRT is in my future. I would try to do low carb, high fat. I also lift weights. G. ... Best exercise information to increase muscle and lose fat. I lost about 60 lbs (290-230) a few years back and kept it off. What has worked for you guys? Yes - without a dought TRT will lead to fat loss and lean muscle gain. I have however gained 7 lbs in 12 days. If I did anything more intense than walking, I just got so hungry I couldn't stick to my diet. I used to like that occasional drink every day. Fwiw, I'm 5'11 195 so I could stand to lose some weight. [9] TRT can also promote weight loss by recalibrating the estrogen to testosterone ratio; excessively high estrogen levels, paired with low T levels, can contribute to visceral obesity. Keto if you want to go more extreme. TRT is an acronym for testosterone replacement therapy, sometimes called androgen replacement therapy. Bro, what is your test dosage? Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 200 lbs, you are welcome here! Weight loss tips: Create a small calorie deficit. Yes. So if you want to lose weight quickly while undergoing testosterone replacement therapy, you should consider following the five HIIT weight loss tips below. I didnt think so either but my my major lifts have increased so much, so fast its impossible to deny. Testosterone is a sex hormone made in the testicles and adrenal glands, which is important for sexual and reproductive development. only butter, olive oil, avocado oil and coconut oil. Basically the opposite of everything the establishment has been telling you. Even with all this my weight hasn't changed but my fat is going away, slowly but surely. I haven’t done keto in a while but I’m debating low carb vs hardline keto for spring cut. Robinhood claimed its mission was to “democratize finance” yet did the bidding of the fat cats who were shedding dollars as fast as they were sweating over their losses by throttling free and fair trade. Erections much better. I played college football and I’m almost back to my lift levels nearly 20 yrs ago. Edit: relatively big caveat here, you need to workout to benefit from the huge muscle gains, with zero exercise you may look slightly better than no trt. You will lose bodyfat easily, without much effort. Guy is cool and is on the same path as you. Shakes, pills, potions, One Weird Tricks, and a bunch of other bullshit. Finally, simple caloric restriction was what got me to lose it and keep it off....did most of my weight loss @ 38y/o with no TRT at the time (Just started that this week). Press J to jump to the feed. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone levels. Hey o, so I'm 35F, weighed over 270 lbs (I lost weight before I weighed myself on this journey) and I'm 45 lbs down (I started Jan 2019). Any advice to drop the lbs while on TRT? Would you say you were pretty consistently in ketosis or that the more filling approach to fats instead of carbs just helped you eat less? I’m six foot tall, 210lbs, I’m around 14-16 percent body fat, I can see some of my abs, and have a 30 inch waist, 60 inch shoulders. It's not necessary....and diet is far more crucial. During the first few days or even weeks, focus on creating only a small calorie deficit. Ha. Especially since you’re on trt. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 1 year.How tall are you? Being around 200-250mg a week will get you to shed the pounds. It depends. 6’3”/330 lbs. Find a style of eating that makes it easiest to hit your calorie goals and stick to it. For me, the cardio was counter-productive. How Hair Loss Occurs. I am naturally thin, for what it's worth. report. I have lost some visceral fat once starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and it generally took me around 6 months before I really noticed it. anastrozole hcg TRT, estradiol, high hematocrit, TRT acne, and more. Pde 5s do absolutely nothing for me except drop my blood pressure. That would be one gram pf protein per lb of body weight. TRT takes time to get dialed in, you will see your weight yo-yo at first. I am willing to bet you already know this but are just looking for reassurance ;). The fat loss from TRT is a result of your increased metabolic rate from your body recompositioning. You can test your testosterone levels with a simple pin-prick blood test, to check if your levels are normal. I’m a 41 yr old male. I need to get on a program to drop the weight. Several recent 5-year long-term studies reported that TRT results in marked and significant weight (fat) loss, reduction in waist circumference and BMI, as well as improvements in blood cholesterol parameters and reductions in fasting glucose, HbA1c, CRP (in inflammatory marker) and liver enzymes. Steak and eggs are good. My sex drive has increased quite a bit. butter is good. I get the most effect from running plus I do intermittent fasting, which is basically the same as you where you go 24hrs between meals but I only do that 2x/week. It wasnt even hard it was actually fun and the best thing i ever did for myself. and no vegetable oils. share. TRT will make you retain more water at the begining, thus gaining weight, but it's just water. Yes. Also intermittent fasting is really useful. Excercise is a must though. Starting trt you will most likely stay at your weight or gain weight because of new muscle. hide. Try to get a training schedule 3-4 hours a week that involves cardio (could be a sport). Just don't be concerned if you gain weight before losing. fyi you should list how many mg of test cyp you are taking not the volume. A new study shows that obese men receiving testosterone shots lost weight… I haven't tried it but high heat like a sauna may cause more fat loss. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone levels. Threads 221 Messages 2.1K. 76% Upvoted. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. Threads 2.2K Messages 29K. 1. I’ve been doing the OMAD (one meal a day) diet for about 3 weeks. Like you i'm a former college football player. You will look better on trt than off trt, I was originally told otherwise by some users on here. Your welcome ;-). OMAD slows down your metabolism because you aren’t eating consistently. I'm just trt ing at 60mg every 4 days which I just started a couple weeks ago. My question is, will it be harder for me to lose weight with TRT (including proper diet and exercise), Yes. Strategy: Weight loss or TRT first? Super fucking awesome to be able to say that. Weigh yourself every day, use myfitnesspal to track calories & macros. Check out the fathead blog if you want some ideas. Testosterone: The male sex hormone. Dont worry about diet messing with your T levels, you're supplementing so you can always adjust if needed. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. I just ate whatever calories a tdee calculator says will make a sedentary person at my size lose 1 lb a week. It took 6 months for me to really see body comp changes. A guy your size almost certainly has metabolic syndrome, you might consider something on the low carb spectrum. So for the small weight loss benefit you get for cardio, it really wasn't worth it. Winters, If you read up on TRT, I think you'll find the literature says men gain muscle while being on the program. The Best Fat Loss Article on the Motherfuckin’ Internet. I look better now than pre trt and I’m bulking. We’re you doing TRT while on Keto? Best of wishes sir. If you stick to it, and you lift, and you dont spend all your spare time on the couch, you'll lose more than 1 lb per week. San Francisco, California, United States About Blog A place for people of all sizes to discuss healthy and sustainable methods of weight loss. I know calorie deficits typically decrease testosterone...Just don’t want to negate the effects of TRT. Fwiw, I'm 5'11 195 so I could stand to lose some weight. I continue to gain visceral fat, even with very high TRT dosing. Just get your body weight in protein everyday. So it's important that you dont feel like a piece of shit if you dont do your cardio some days. I like an occasional drink. Thank you! That only applies to those who are natural. I think there's some denial that we are on steroids. So with the proper caloric intake/defecit your body will tend to retain muscle. I lost 90lbs the first year and left obesity. I started TRT and went on a high protien carb cycling diet and lifted 5x a week. I really like OMAD and could easily do it for the long run. Don't be … Frequently Asked Questions:How long did the weight loss take? Initial blood test (June 21) Total Testosterone, Serum 240 ng/dL Ref range: 348 - 1197 Free Testosterone(Direct) 13.3 pg/mL Ref range: 8.7 - 25.1 Age: 36 Height 5'10" Blood test weight: 260lb Current weight: 245lb Eat during an 8 hour window and fast 16 hours. New comments cannot be … By Aadam | Last Updated: October 2nd, 2020 There’s an unwavering deluge of fat loss information out there. Let’s get right into it! [26-30] Notably, long-term testosterone therapy for up to 6 years in obese men with testosterone deficiency results in a … I try and do cardio at least 5 times per week. As others has said; the weight gain is from glycogen, E2, nitrates etc. I’ve lost 15 lbs (down from 345 lbs). When you see me you think it's only skin and bones but when you stretch it, it looks like silly puddy. But I remember that the average amount wasn't much, maybe a couple of pounds, Actually, I think you'll find it easier reach your goal while on TRT and exercising and eating reasonably, simply because you will feel better have more energy. Fasting doesn’t necessarily increase hgh either. Did PCT with clomid and nolvadex for 7 weeks but 6 months after that cycle my test and LH were very low! Many intervention studies show that testosterone therapy in obese men with testosterone deficiency reduces fat mass and increases lean body mass with concomitant weight loss and reductions in waist circumference and body mass index (BMI). I cant imagine it would change much though....a calorie is a calorie. I lost 60 lbs in 5 months with no cardio aside from walking when I golfed once a week. At your weight you could lose 100lbs in a year easy like I did. Threads 221 Messages 2.1K. I also think theres something to the whole idea that you only have so much willpower, so if you hate hamster wheel cardio, the mental energy you spend forcing yourself to do it will sap the willpower keeping you from eating too much. Eating at a deficit doesn’t reduce testosterone. Any time i go on even a light cycle of testosterone i completely lose whatever little libido i … Then again, it might not. Some individuals notice a drastic change in their hair begins to take place. I am unable to gain fat on arms or legs, and visceral fat doesn't budge, so weight loss is... impossible. My protocol is Test Cyp .25/ml three times per week, HCG 500 UI 50 units twice per week and .125 Anastrozole thee times per week. So I am basically looking into anything that could help my non existent libido that i could use at specific times. This is the last fat loss article you’ll ever need to read. However, testosterone usage can decrease thyroid output. Threads 2.2K Messages 29K. I second Gonza here. BUT, you must follow a strict diet plan and workout regimen. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Age 35. You can still loss fat by dieting, of course. As for diet you could use whatever is out there, not sure TRT makes a difference. Over a few months I built up Estrogen symptoms(ed, fatigue, bloat, anxiety, etc...), so I lowered … save. Reddit is a community of millions of users engaging in the creation of content and the sharing of conversation across tens of thousands of topics. My pre TRT test levels were 189. I'm aware that strenuous weight lifting can raise liver levels on a blood test. TRT will make you retain more water at the begining, thus gaining weight, but it's just water. Hair loss that occurs in some male and female users is one example. Nearly all possible TRT side effects can be managed easily, whether they include hair loss, acne, moodiness or an increase in hematocrit or PSA (prostate-specific antigen). Exercise: Effect on Testosterone Levels. Try to get a training schedule 3-4 hours a week that involves cardio (could be a sport). It is characterized by several indicators such as lean body mass, fat mass, etc. Bodybuilder/strongman diets are not healthy, and OP isn't doing bodybuilder levels of steroids. Testosterone replacement therapy certainly has its benefits, but its side effects are no joking matter. I have been on TRT for about 12 weeks. Hi I just started TRT and have had two injections of Test (100 mg each) in the past 12 days with a third week starting later this week. This thread is archived. My question is, will it be harder for me to lose weight with TRT (including proper diet and exercise) 24 comments. This is probably the most common, and most incorrect, presumption people have towards testosterone replacement.An adult male taking doctor-prescribed hormone replacement therapy to address a diagnosed medical condition and improve his quality of life is no more \"cheating\" than an adult male taking doctor-prescribed asthma medication to address a diagnosed medical condition and improve his qu… Eating at a deficit is a sure fire way to lose weight. The results were dramatic. Your body composition will be better with proper diet and exercise than when not on TRT.
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